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May islands meetings for MachairWind team -2024


ScottishPower Renewables’ offshore windfarm team heads back to Islay, Jura and Colonsay for public drop-in events

Machairwind coast

Local people on the isles of Islay, Jura and Colonsay will once again get the chance to hear the latest news on ScottishPower Renewables’ MachairWind offshore windfarm when the project team hosts a series of public information events on the islands next month.

The MachairWind team – including Debs Bryce from Jura, who is the Community Engagement Manager for the project – are visiting the islands between 7-9th May to give local people the chance to chat about progress to date and hear the plans for the year ahead.

Four drop-ins will be hosted over the three days:

·        Jura – 3pm-6.30pm on Tuesday 7 May, Jura Care Centre, Craighouse

·        Colonsay – 2.30pm-6.30pm on Wednesday 8 May, Colonsay Village Hall, Scalasaig

·        Islay –   1.30pm-4.30pm on Thursday 9 May, Islay Gaelic Centre, Bowmore

·        Islay – 6pm-8.30pm on Thursday 9 May, Ramsay Hall, Port Ellen

Kiera Wilson, ScottishPower Renewables’ MachairWind Development Lead, said: “These events are a fantastic opportunity for people to come along – at a time and place that suits them – to meet the team on their doorstep, find out what’s been happening since our last visits and to hear more about what’s coming up. We’re also really excited to be hosting two events on Islay this time round, based on feedback from those previous visits, to give as many people as possible the chance to get involved.

“So, whether you’re a local business owner or a resident who wants to know what’s happening and when, please come along and have a chat. This is your chance to find out about how you can be part of a cleaner and greener future across Islay, Colonsay and Jura.”

MachairWind will be developed in the waters north-west of Islay and west of Colonsay. With a proposed generating capacity of up to 2GW, it could produce enough clean, green electricity to power the equivalent of up to two million homes across the UK. It will be ScottishPower Renewables’ first offshore windfarm in Argyll and Bute.

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